
Showing posts from June, 2022

Three Reasons Why Single Folks With No Children Need An Estate Plan

Three Reasons Why Single Folks With No Children Need An Estate Plan by Attorney Amy Clemmons Brown, Esq. These days, more and more young people are delaying—if not totally foregoing—a life that involves marriage and parenting. The lack of jobs, crushing student debt, multiple recessions, and the pandemic have pushed many young people into a life path that leaves little room for settling down with a partner and getting married—and even less room for having children. Yet, for other young adults, staying single and childless is simply a matter of choice. Regardless of the reason, as more young adults opt for non-traditional lifestyles, the number of single childless households is likely to steadily increase in the coming years. While most adults don’t take estate planning as seriously as they should, if you are single with no children, you might think that there’s really no need for you to worry about creating an estate plan. But this is a huge mistake. In fact, it can be even MORE import...

Don't Let Your Kids Leave Home Without Signing These 3 Documents

Don't Let Your Kids Leave Home Without Signing These 3 Documents by Amy Clemmons Brown, Esq. As we head into summer, many parents will see their children graduate high school and prepare to leave home to attend college or pursue other life goals. This can be an exciting and emotional time, and with so much going on, estate planning probably isn’t at the front of your (or their) mind right now.     However, estate planning should actually be a top priority for both you and your kids. Here’s why: Once your kids turn 18, they become legal adults, and many areas of their life that were once under your control will become entirely their responsibility, whether you take action or not. To this end, if your kids don’t have the proper legal documents in place, you could face a costly and traumatic ordeal should something happen to them.   If your child were to get into a serious car accident and require hospitalization, for example, you would no longer have the aut...